Waiting on the Lord

  1. 3. She prayed to the Lord for a son and God gave her Samuel
  2. 5. James calls these people to be patient and wait on the Lord
  3. 6. initially ran from God’s call, he eventually ended up in the belly of a giant fish for three days
  4. 9. this man was sold into slavery when he was 17 and had to wait 27 years before he saw his Father
  5. 10. He had to wait 25 years until he had a son. He was 100 years old
  6. 12. After his conversion, He didn’t immediately begin his ministry. He spent time in Arabia and then returned to Damascus. Throughout his ministry, he also experienced waiting periods in prison where he wrote many of the New Testament letters.
  7. 14. He waited 40 years in the desert before the Lord called him to free the Jews from Egypt
  1. 1. There was 15 years before he was anointed as king of Israel and then became king
  2. 2. She was the mother of Jesus and was patient while the Lord revealed His plan for her son
  3. 4. She is patient with her mother in law and follows her to Israel
  4. 7. waited 120 years while building the ark. People mocked him, but he remained faithful, trusting God’s warning of the coming flood.
  5. 8. They waited 400 years in slavery in Egypt before the Lord used Moses to bring them out
  6. 9. This man experienced immense suffering but waited on the Lord to save him
  7. 11. An elderly widow, spent her days at the temple praying and fasting. She waited for the redemption of Israel and was blessed to see the baby Jesus.
  8. 13. He waits on us for us to confess our sins and turn to him.