Walker Wright-Body Systems

  1. 2. soft jelly like center of bones.
  2. 4. system that is a collection of glands that secret hormones into the circulatory system.
  3. 6. muscle contractions that you can't control.
  4. 9. outer layer.
  5. 10. like wires that carry impulses.
  6. 16. system that protects the body from injury.
  7. 17. created by testes.
  8. 19. created by female ovaries before birth.
  9. 22. specialized primary lymphoid organ.
  10. 23. metabolism.
  11. 24. system that works with your bones to help your body move.
  12. 28. system that protects soft organs.
  13. 30. air sacs of the lungs.
  14. 32. organ that is part of the lymphatic system that acts as a blood filter.
  15. 34. cell fragments that help your blood to clot.
  16. 36. hard bone that provides structure.
  1. 1. muscle contractions that you can control.
  2. 3. system made up of all the anatomical organs involved in reproduction.
  3. 5. system that defends the body against infection.
  4. 7. system of nerves covering the body.
  5. 8. This system moves food to stomach.
  6. 11. removes waste from the body.
  7. 12. tubes that carry urine.
  8. 13. makes insulin.
  9. 14. the system that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  10. 15. two tubes split off from trachea.
  11. 18. organ that is part of the lymphatic system located in the throat.
  12. 20. transfers nutrients, wastes, and disease fighting cells throughout the body.
  13. 21. middle layer.
  14. 25. Food broken into little pieces by the teeth.
  15. 26. stores urine until it is released.
  16. 27. nerves that allow the brain to control the muscles.
  17. 29. system that is part of the immune system.
  18. 31. blood cells that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
  19. 33. where food stays around four hours.
  20. 35. main parts of the immune system that is an organ that sits under your rib cage.