Walt Disney

  1. 1. This is the month Walt Disney was born
  2. 4. Walt Disney was 16 years old when he joined the _______
  3. 7. The theme park Walt Disney thought about
  4. 8. this was Walt Disney's middle name
  5. 11. Walt Disney had this many kids
  6. 12. This was Walt Disney's favorite color
  7. 13. Walt Disney's nickname
  8. 14. Walt Disney had this many siblings
  1. 1. This was the first theme park Walt Disney made
  2. 2. Walt Disney's eye color
  3. 3. This was the state Walt Disney was born at
  4. 5. This was the fictional character mouse Walt Disney made
  5. 6. This is were Walt Disney got married at
  6. 9. this was Walt Disney's REAL first name
  7. 10. Walt disney was the youngest child so which child was he Ex: 1st 2nd...