War on Terror

  1. 4. this building was targeted for attack in 1993 by Al Qaeda (3 words)
  2. 7. George W Bush created the Department of Homeland ____________________ to combat terrorist threats
  3. 9. leader of Al Qaeda and responsible for 9/11 attacks (2 words)
  4. 11. Operation Desert Storm started by US to protect this country that was attacked by Iraq
  5. 13. this resource is at center of many Middle East conflicts
  6. 15. This President's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is to boycott Olympics
  7. 17. 1979 USSR attacked
  8. 18. One agreement to ending war in Iraq in early 1990s was to allow weapons inspectors from this organization in
  9. 21. Strict Islamic militant terrorist group in Afghanistan
  1. 1. The US was at war in Afghanistan for ___ years
  2. 2. The US's main concern in 1980s was this global conflict (2words)
  3. 3. attacked by Iraq in 1980
  4. 5. dictator of Iraq
  5. 6. besides the World Trade Center, terrorists attacked this Washington D.C building
  6. 8. In the early phase of war in Afghanistan, the US was able to oversee the creation of this type of important document
  7. 10. this law walked a fine line between ensuring security of the US and not limiting individual freedoms (2 words)
  8. 12. USS ______________ attacked off the coast of Yemen
  9. 14. these buildings in Kenya and Tanzania were attacked by terrorists in 1998
  10. 16. this US President's supplies of missiles to Mujahadeen helped defeat the Soviets
  11. 19. President in charge of finding Osaba Bin Laden
  12. 20. 198____ the Soviets withdraw from Afghanistan