Warrior Cats

  1. 4. What is Sorrelkit Poisoned With?
  2. 5. Color of Whitestorm's Eyes
  3. 7. Color of Hollyleaf's Eyes
  4. 8. Stormfur's Adoptive Mother
  5. 10. How Many White Paws Does Squirrelflight Have?
  6. 11. How Many Deputies Did Bluestar Have?
  7. 12. Sorreltail's Mother
  8. 13. Firestar's Kittypet Friend
  1. 1. What Are You Doing In My Territory?
  2. 2. Tawnypelt's Thunderclan Mentor
  3. 3. Firestar's Pelt
  4. 6. Bluestar's First Mentor
  5. 9. Bluepaw's First Catch
  6. 11. Cinderpelt's Mother