Warrior cats
- 7. who WAS Mistystar's only surviving son
- 9. Brokenstar's foster mother
- 10. Who is Hollyleaf's mate?
- 11. What does bramblestar's imposter accidentally call Dewnose?
- 12. Graystripe's second mate
- 15. Crowfeather's father
- 17. What is the herb to cure bellyache?
- 18. Bristlefrost's mentor
- 21. Who took over Bramblestar's body?
- 22. Crowfeather's mother
- 23. Gorsepaw's mentor
- 24. Who did Rootspring have a crush on?
- 25. Who did everyone in SC think was Brokenkit's mother?
- 27. Oakheart and Crookedstar's father
- 28. Who was Appledusk's second mate?
- 1. Who is the father of Bluestar's kits?
- 2. Fallen Leaves's mother
- 3. Who is the owner of the stick Jayfeather found?
- 4. Who had a crush on Dovewing?
- 5. Willownose's father
- 6. Who did Bramblestar's Imposter let make patrols so he could spend more time with Squirrelflight?
- 8. Shellheart's mother
- 13. Silverstream's foster mother
- 14. Who was Appledusk's first mate?
- 16. Which kit of Reedshine's was named after Appledusk?
- 19. Who is Dewnose's mate?
- 20. SIlverstream's mate
- 26. Who is Lionblaze's daughter named after?