Warrior Cats

  1. 3. Firestar's original name.
  2. 5. What Purdy calls humans.
  3. 6. This group of cats excels at catching rabbits.
  4. 9. Term used by the clans for housecats.
  5. 11. People.
  6. 12. Son of Yellowfang.
  7. 13. Firestar's mate.
  8. 15. Deputy murdered by Tigerstar.
  9. 16. This group of cats resides in the forest, and is the focus of most of the books.
  10. 17. This group of cats has a reputation for using underhanded tactics to win fights.
  1. 1. Another name for cherries.
  2. 2. The missing fifth clan that was driven from their home.
  3. 4. Honorific given to apprentices.
  4. 7. Carrion.
  5. 8. Honorific given to leaders.
  6. 10. Cats taken care of by apprentices.
  7. 14. This group of cats is able to swim and finds prey easily in the winter.