
  1. 3. A bager
  2. 7. THe cat who was the first leader of skyclan
  3. 8. The cat with powers to walk throughand read cats minds
  4. 9. They have a face for their symbol
  5. 11. a cat with powers to hear things farther than the averagecat
  6. 12. They are a clan full of warrior ancestors from all the clans
  1. 1. The cat who almost killed bluestar and recruited a massive darkforstest army.
  2. 2. A orange,red cat who joind thunderclan as a kittypet
  3. 4. The fist leader of thunderclan
  4. 5. The cat who asked rusty if he wanted to join her clan
  5. 6. Tigerclaws son
  6. 9. thunders mother
  7. 10. THeir symbol is a tree