Warriors: The New Prophecy - Starlight Crossword
- 2. Thunderclap medicine cat apprentice, Firestar's daughter.
- 3. ThunderClan deputy, was taken away by Twolegs.
- 7. Former deputy of WindClan, crushed by a falling tree.
- 10. Where warriors go when they die, the stars.
- 11. ThunderClan warrior, wants to be deputy. Main character.
- 12. The new leader of Windclan.
- 14. The deceased leader of WindClan.
- 17. The clan the main character's are in.
- 18. A wild animal that attacks cats.
- 20. The ThunderClan medicine cat.
- 1. Leader of RiverClan.
- 4. The clan that fishes for some of their food.
- 5. ThunderClan warrior, main character, Firestar's daughter.
- 6. The leader of ShadowClan.
- 8. Humans.
- 9. WindClan warrior who loved Feathertail.
- 13. The clan that camps in open moorlands.
- 15. The clan that camps in the marshes.
- 16. Tigerstar's son, RiverClan warrior.
- 19. Leader of ThunderClan.