Warriors: The New Prophecy - Starlight Crossword

  1. 2. Thunderclap medicine cat apprentice, Firestar's daughter.
  2. 3. ThunderClan deputy, was taken away by Twolegs.
  3. 7. Former deputy of WindClan, crushed by a falling tree.
  4. 10. Where warriors go when they die, the stars.
  5. 11. ThunderClan warrior, wants to be deputy. Main character.
  6. 12. The new leader of Windclan.
  7. 14. The deceased leader of WindClan.
  8. 17. The clan the main character's are in.
  9. 18. A wild animal that attacks cats.
  10. 20. The ThunderClan medicine cat.
  1. 1. Leader of RiverClan.
  2. 4. The clan that fishes for some of their food.
  3. 5. ThunderClan warrior, main character, Firestar's daughter.
  4. 6. The leader of ShadowClan.
  5. 8. Humans.
  6. 9. WindClan warrior who loved Feathertail.
  7. 13. The clan that camps in open moorlands.
  8. 15. The clan that camps in the marshes.
  9. 16. Tigerstar's son, RiverClan warrior.
  10. 19. Leader of ThunderClan.