Water, Sleep, and Exercise!

  1. 2. a group of hormones within the brain and nervous system that help reduce pain or stress
  2. 3. another name for H2O
  3. 4. a lack of sleep can leave you with an increased risk of this
  4. 6. you do this every night
  5. 9. a mental health condition that can cause persistent feelings of sadness
  6. 11. a hormone that wakes you up
  7. 12. a mental health condition that causes excess worry
  8. 13. a form of stretching that includes one knee forward and one backwards
  1. 1. caused by the lack of water intake
  2. 5. a health condition that results in too much sugar in the blood
  3. 7. a form of exercise focused on breathing and oxygen flow
  4. 8. recommended that you do this daily
  5. 10. you do this for your body and phone every night