- 1. :The highest point on a wave
- 3. :The time that it takes to complete one complete cycle
- 5. :The height of the wave
- 7. :appear to not be moving along the medium
- 8. :How often or how quickly a wave passes by
- 12. :Sharp crack when a shock wave arrives
- 14. :molecules far apart
- 15. :How fast the wave was moving
- 16. :frequency that the object oscillates
- 17. :The length from one crest to the other
- 18. :The lowest point on a wave
- 2. :objects move faster than the speed of sound
- 4. :Displacement II to wave direction
- 6. :similar to frequency
- 9. :molecules close together
- 10. :Displacement perpendicular to wave direction
- 11. :frequency shift due to motion
- 13. :metal with two stakes that vibrate