waxing 2

  1. 4. highly contagious fungal infection
  2. 7. resting stage of hair growth
  3. 8. applied if excessive erythema is present
  4. 10. soft downy hair, lacks pigmentation, shallow depth
  5. 11. active stage of hair growth
  6. 12. outer layer of the hair
  7. 13. describes deep seated coarse hairs with root and bulb
  1. 1. P.P.E
  2. 2. disorder where client will have loss of sensation
  3. 3. pigment granules are present in this layer of the hair
  4. 5. this could happen if the wax is too hot
  5. 6. if present a reason not to go ahead with treatment
  6. 9. product you apply prior to waxing