wayside school

  1. 2. what teacher writes with
  2. 6. punishes bad kids
  3. 7. cleans blackboard
  4. 11. playtime outside
  5. 12. teaches the class
  6. 14. what teacher writes on
  7. 16. pet teachers favorite
  8. 17. what you write with
  9. 19. had curly hair
  10. 20. wore light blue windbreaker
  11. 22. what kids read
  1. 1. cleans floors
  2. 3. class President
  3. 4. building with students
  4. 5. where kids eat lunch
  5. 6. what kids do after school
  6. 8. had long eyelashes
  7. 9. went to the vet
  8. 10. kids turned into
  9. 12. bell this means your late
  10. 13. permission to leave classroom
  11. 14. carries books
  12. 15. fastest drawer
  13. 18. yard teacher
  14. 21. aid serves lunch
  15. 22. how kids get home