We Are Mooresville Parks & Recreation

  1. 1. This park is home to over 7 miles of mountain bike trails
  2. 2. Charles Mack Citizen center has a 239-seat ______.
  3. 6. Our department maintains 3 of these
  4. 7. Mooresville Parks & Recreation is ______ accredited.
  5. 8. Dedicated _____ courts can be found at the War Memorial Recreation Center
  6. 12. Selma Burke, War Memorial, Winnie Hooper, and Talbert are all _____ facilities.
  7. 13. Mooresville Skate Park is the largest in the ___.
  1. 1. The Parks & Recreation Department if located at the One _______ Center
  2. 3. Destination Recreation is a ___ unit
  3. 4. Number of parks within Mooresville Parks & Recreation
  4. 5. Athletics hub recreation center
  5. 9. War Memorial pool season runs from Memorial Day to ___ Day.
  6. 10. We maintain over 500 acres of this
  7. 11. Mooresville ___ Club is winner to numerous NORMY Awards
  8. 14. Registration for this type of camps opens in March