South Lake Hospital Lab Games 2014

  1. 4. One who draws blood
  2. 6. Department where protimes are performed.
  3. 8. What blood is spun in prior to testing
  4. 10. the rupturing of RBC's
  5. 13. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
  1. 1. Hemoglobin A1C test monitors this disease
  2. 2. The major organ/muscle blood flows through.
  3. 3. The medical term for low blood sugar.
  4. 5. swine flu
  5. 7. Universal donor blood type.
  6. 9. Material Safety Data Sheets
  7. 11. What does the "myo" mean in myocardial?
  8. 12. Short for Statim, the latin word for immediate