We Failed to Hear them When They Lived.

  1. 4. vocabulary word meaning a celebration of an individual or event
  2. 6. vocabulary word meaning a dangerous, difficult, or challenging situation
  3. 9. vocabulary word meaning surprising, previously unknown facts
  4. 10. vocabulary word meaning official statements
  5. 11. vocabulary word meaning an extremely cruel act, often leading to the loss of life
  6. 13. vocabulary word meaning never done or known before
  1. 1. vocabulary word meaning shocking to bring about actions
  2. 2. vocabulary word meaning causing to fall apart
  3. 3. vocabulary word meaning happening frequently, over time
  4. 5. vocabulary word meaning the extended cruel treatment and removal of rights
  5. 7. vocabulary word meaning to understand through touch
  6. 8. vocabulary word meaning a sense/feeling of disgust
  7. 12. vocabulary word meaning intense happiness/celebration
  8. 14. vocabulary word meaning a person/event bringing about change