
  1. 7. Warm air rises, cold air sinks
  2. 10. water evaporates from plants
  3. 12. stratosphere,mesosphere,thermosphere,troposphere
  4. 14. what we experience everyday
  5. 17. rain normally storm cloud
  6. 18. how dense the air is
  7. 19. clouds appear (type of pressure)
  8. 22. how good the air is
  9. 24. wind curves due to rotation of the earth
  10. 27. above the mesosphere
  11. 28. breeze from the sea
  12. 29. winds in one one area
  13. 32. rain that is slightly more acidic
  14. 34. outer layer of the thermosphere
  15. 35. strong air currents
  1. 1. no clouds (type of pressure)
  2. 2. water turns into water vapor
  3. 3. below the thermosphere
  4. 4. mid elevation
  5. 5. inner layer of the thermosphere
  6. 6. stormy weather (type of front)
  7. 8. Care for the earth
  8. 9. Trash and disposable that are thrown on the ground
  9. 11. a front that stays in one spot for a long time (type of front)
  10. 13. gray cloud low elevation
  11. 15. white puffy clouds
  12. 16. differences in air pressure
  13. 20. the ozone layer is found here
  14. 21. we experience weather in the layer of atmosphere
  15. 23. rain,snow,sleet,hail
  16. 25. light rain (type of front)
  17. 26. wind around the world
  18. 30. breeze from the land
  19. 31. made from ice crystals highest elevation
  20. 33. body of air