
  1. 2. causes unusual warm water in the pacific
  2. 6. global winds at the equator
  3. 11. the weights of air molecules
  4. 12. blanket like clouds
  5. 13. the amount of water vapor in the air
  6. 14. causes light steady rain with warmer temperatures
  7. 15. a cloud that usually brings thunderstorms
  8. 18. global winds that affect the US
  9. 21. causes unusual cold water in the pacific
  10. 22. causes quick thunderstorms and cooler temperatures
  11. 23. what the weather is usually like in an area
  12. 25. what the atmosphere is currently like
  1. 1. rain when it is less than 32 degrees outside
  2. 3. when pressure is higher over the land than the sea
  3. 4. feather like clouds that mean a change in weather is coming
  4. 5. stream of wind that causes weather to move west to east
  5. 7. occurs over warm ocean water
  6. 8. rain
  7. 9. puffy clouds with flat bottoms
  8. 10. brings warm water up the east coast of the US
  9. 16. added to a cloud to signal it is a rain cloud
  10. 17. when pressure is higher over the sea than the land
  11. 19. caused by the tilts of earth's axis
  12. 20. causes by differences in air pressure
  13. 24. causes by the mixture of cool and warm air