
  1. 3. low-level clouds that often cover the whole sky
  2. 7. mid-level puffy white clouds
  3. 9. how hot or cold the air is
  4. 11. funnel cloud that has high, damaging winds
  5. 14. when water in the air cools and comes together into droplets
  6. 16. use this to measure wind speed
  7. 17. hurricanes form over _____
  8. 18. when water is heated from liquid to a vapor
  9. 19. use this to tell the direction the wind is blowing
  10. 20. use this to measure humidity
  11. 21. what you use to measure temperature
  1. 1. during a thunderstorm you should stay _____
  2. 2. when water falls to earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail
  3. 4. use this to measure air pressure
  4. 5. huge swirling storm that starts in the ocean and often causes flooding
  5. 6. during a tornado, stay away from _____
  6. 8. high-level wispy clouds, common on windy days
  7. 9. severe weather with lots of static electricity (lightning), thunder, and rain
  8. 10. use this to measure rainfall
  9. 12. if a hurricane is coming, move away from the _____
  10. 13. when water flows down hill into streams, rivers, lakes, and the ocean
  11. 15. tornados form over _____