
  1. 3. used to measure humidity
  2. 5. indicate a light rainy weather
  3. 8. thin and feathery type of skies
  4. 11. water is released from the clouds
  5. 12. the amount of water vapor in the air
  6. 13. very tiny water droplets in the atmosphere
  7. 14. represented by red line with semicircles
  8. 16. a body of cold air
  9. 19. used to measure the amount of rain fall
  10. 20. representation of weather phenomena
  1. 1. the "weight" of the air
  2. 2. a symbol that affect the weather
  3. 4. looks like fluffy cotton balls
  4. 6. another word for rain
  5. 7. used to measure air temperature
  6. 9. moving air
  7. 10. state or condition of the atmosphere
  8. 14. used to determine the wind direction
  9. 15. transition zone between air and masses
  10. 17. used to measure atmospheric pressure
  11. 18. used to measure wind speed