
  1. 2. huricane
  2. 4. rain
  3. 5. it's snowing
  4. 7. winter
  5. 10. lightning
  6. 14. thunder
  7. 15. it's hot
  8. 16. _______ de sol (another word for lentes)
  9. 20. season
  10. 21. snow
  11. 22. climate
  12. 23. It's nice out (está ...?)
  13. 25. temperature
  14. 26. it's hailing (está...?)
  15. 28. wind
  16. 30. tornado
  1. 1. spring
  2. 3. weather (also time)
  3. 6. umbrella
  4. 8. to snow
  5. 9. flood
  6. 11. it's sunny
  7. 12. storm
  8. 13. to rain
  9. 15. it's raining
  10. 17. cloudy
  11. 18. it's chilly (hace...?)
  12. 19. ¿Qué tiempo ... ?
  13. 24. it's cold (hace ...?)
  14. 27. summer
  15. 29. fall