
  1. 6. Frozen rain; little ice blocks that fall from the sky.
  2. 7. Water that pours down from the sky.
  3. 8. Light rain, falling in very fine drops.
  4. 9. Fresh, clear, clean and dry; slighty cold.
  5. 10. Not severe, serious, or harsh; gentle.
  6. 11. A very strong wind.
  7. 14. A thick cloud that obscures or restricts visibility.
  8. 15. A small pool of liquid, especially of rainwater on the ground.
  1. 1. Low temperature.
  2. 2. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.
  3. 3. A prediction or estimate of future events, especially about weather of a financial trend.
  4. 4. Extremely hot weather.
  5. 5. A comfortable high temperature; nice weather.
  6. 12. An electrical discharge in the sky between a cloud and the ground; a bright flash.
  7. 13. A loud noise made during a rainstorm.
  8. 14. The point when the water turns to ice.