
  1. 3. Division of the year with its own weather conditions
  2. 7. movement of air or water that may influence weather
  3. 10. warm air and land along eastern coast of North America
  4. 11. brings warm weather
  5. 14. average temperature and weather in an area
  6. 15. Affects Pacific Climate every few years
  7. 17. Anemometer, barometer, wind vane, rain gauge
  8. 18. constant movement back and forth
  9. 20. gases surrounding the planet where weather occurs
  1. 1. brings cold weather
  2. 2. used to measure the amount of precipitation
  3. 4. Atmospheric conditions in a certain place
  4. 5. ocean off the western coast of United States
  5. 6. Northern or Southern half of the globe
  6. 7. cirrus, stratus, cumulus
  7. 8. ocean off the eastern coast of the United States
  8. 9. huge storms that form over warm ocean water
  9. 12. water that falls as snow sleet hail or rain
  10. 13. measures wind direction
  11. 16. prediction of weather conditions
  12. 19. air current that influences North American weather