
  1. 4. Flaky, frozen precipitation
  2. 5. An absence of clouds
  3. 6. When water becomes a solid
  4. 8. A weather prediction
  5. 10. Energy of moving atoms and molecules
  6. 12. Clouds that are close to the surface
  7. 13. Liquid precipitation
  8. 15. Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall are the four...
  9. 16. A lack of heat energy
  10. 17. Movement of air
  1. 1. Force pushing on a surface
  2. 2. A measure of heat energy
  3. 3. Powerful, spinning storm
  4. 6. Very Small
  5. 7. Energitic weather with wind and precipitation
  6. 9. Mass of water aerosols in the sky
  7. 10. Ice falling from a thunderstorm
  8. 11. When there are a lot of clouds
  9. 14. Excessive heat energy
  10. 15. Source of all of earth's energy