
  1. 6. warm air mass that turns cooler
  2. 7. short hair like clouds
  3. 8. vapor water in the form of vapor
  4. 9. how much space an object takes up
  5. 10. heat that moves by direct touch
  6. 12. a body of air that moves horizontally
  7. 14. instrument measuring atmospheric pressure
  8. 15. instrument for measuring the wind speed
  9. 18. weather that brings in cold weather
  10. 19. where water freezes at 32 degrees
  11. 20. tall clouds that dark on bottom
  12. 22. energy from the sun
  13. 23. fast moving wind that moves west to east
  14. 24. the movement of air near the earth's surface
  15. 25. science that predicts weather
  1. 1. that measures temperature
  2. 2. where water freezes at 0 degrees
  3. 3. movement of a body by earth's rotation
  4. 4. heat that moves by liquid or gas
  5. 5. water in the air
  6. 11. violent column of air
  7. 13. low flat clouds
  8. 16. when gasses get trapped by the sun
  9. 17. temperature where vapor turns into liquid
  10. 21. precipitation of ice mixed with rain/snow