
  1. 2. another name for a hurricane
  2. 3. mixture of gasses that surround the earth
  3. 5. driving force of weather on earth
  4. 6. heat transfer when 2 objects touch
  5. 7. movement of air
  6. 8. tool used to measure air pressure
  7. 10. feel heat by electromagnetic waves
  8. 11. bad weather
  9. 15. huge body of air with similar temp, air pressure & humidity
  10. 17. middle atmospheric layer
  11. 19. tropical storms over warm ocean waters
  12. 20. rain, snow, sleet, and hail
  13. 21. storm that forms a funnel cloud
  14. 22. atmospheric layer in which we live
  15. 23. type of air pressure that bring clear skies
  16. 26. when water vapor cools
  17. 27. layer that protects us from uv radation
  18. 28. atmospheric conditions outside right now
  1. 1. water that has turned into a gas
  2. 4. scale used to measure tornadoes
  3. 6. heat transfer by movement of air & liquids
  4. 9. outermost atmospheric layer
  5. 12. plants release water through leaves
  6. 13. heat is known as _______ energy
  7. 14. mesosphere layer burns up
  8. 16. atmospheric layer that has the ozone layer
  9. 18. precipitation absorbed into the ground
  10. 24. forward edge of a mass of cold or warm air
  11. 25. type of air pressure that brings storms