
  1. 5. condition of the air at that time
  2. 7. this air falls
  3. 8. tool to measure temperature of the air
  4. 9. this air rises
  5. 10. water vapor is a
  6. 11. this breeze happens at night
  7. 13. our winds are the prevailing what
  8. 17. thunderstorm clouds
  9. 19. we have these because of the tilt of the earth
  10. 20. puff ball clouds
  11. 22. tool to measure air pressure
  12. 23. ocean, sea, pond, lake
  13. 28. plant sweat
  1. 1. forecasts the weather using tools
  2. 2. this breeze happens during day
  3. 3. gets heavy and falls from a cloud
  4. 4. tool to measure humidity
  5. 6. falls when 32 degrees or lower all the way down
  6. 12. tool to measure wind speed
  7. 14. gray blanket of clouds
  8. 15. amount of moisture in the air
  9. 16. clouds form
  10. 17. icy, wispy clouds
  11. 18. this cell shows how wind is caused
  12. 20. studies the climate
  13. 21. cloud on the ground
  14. 24. winds that move across small distances
  15. 25. average over time
  16. 26. winds that move across large distances
  17. 27. movement of air
  18. 29. we live in this hemisphere