
  1. 4. made by advancing cold fronts
  2. 6. measures temperature
  3. 8. the long term variations in weather for a particular area
  4. 11. branched channel of positively charged particles
  5. 12. measures wind speed
  6. 15. It occurs when the amount of water vapor has reached the maximum amount
  7. 16. periods of time where rainfall is below average
  8. 20. violent downdrafts
  9. 22. based on comparison of current weather patterns to similar weather patterns from the past
  10. 27. occurs when air moves up the side of a mountain
  11. 28. rise of the sea associated with hurricanes
  12. 30. between 30 N and 30 S are 2 circulation belts of wind
  13. 34. A narrow band of fast winds
  14. 35. Extended period of below freezing temperatures
  15. 38. large volume of air that has the same characteristics of humidity and temperature
  16. 39. self sustaining extremely powerful storms
  17. 42. the result of why liquid and objects move in a curved pattern
  18. 45. has a wispy indistinct appearance
  19. 46. an increase or decrease in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move toward or away from each other
  20. 47. prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude
  21. 48. record of weather data for a particular site and time
  22. 49. The amount water vapor in the atmosphere in a given location
  23. 50. Extended period of above average temperatures
  1. 1. measure air pressure
  2. 2. the area over which the air mass forms
  3. 3. The increase in temperature with height of atmosphere layer
  4. 5. It is when air masses to rise over a topographic barrier
  5. 7. tall band of strong winds surrounding the eye
  6. 9. They form by flattening it out and winds will spread it horizontally
  7. 10. the temperature that air must be cooled to reach saturation
  8. 13. ranks tornadoes based on path of destruction
  9. 14. Is the extra thermal energy contained in water vapor
  10. 17. gathers upper atmospheric data
  11. 18. the wind zones between 60 N latitude and the north pole and 60 S latitude and south pole
  12. 19. the state of the atmosphere, including temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation, and cloud cover
  13. 21. a small particle in the atmosphere around which water droplets form
  14. 23. violent colom of spinning air in contact with the ground
  15. 24. low pressure tropical storms
  16. 25. occur because land and water distribute thermal energy differently
  17. 26. lines of equal pressure
  18. 29. when air rises because of unequal heating of earth's surface within one air mass
  19. 31. a narrow region between two air masses
  20. 32. classifies hurricanes based on wind speeds
  21. 33. created by applying physical principles and mathematics to the atmospheric variables then making predictions based on these variables
  22. 36. measures humidity
  23. 37. lines of equal temperature
  24. 39. channel of partially charged air
  25. 40. A type of cloud that forms at heights below 2000 meters
  26. 41. The amount of water vapor needed for the volume of air to reach saturation
  27. 43. the forms of water that fall from clouds
  28. 44. the calm center of a storm