Natural Disasters part2

  1. 4. when water overflows onto normally dry land. It can happen due to heavy rainfall, snowmelt, or the failure of dams or levees. Floods can damage homes and crops.
  2. 5. a powerful ocean wave caused by underwater disturbances, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. It can be incredibly destructive when it reaches the shore.
  3. 6. a massive and strong storm that forms over warm ocean waters. It has powerful winds and heavy rain, leading to flooding and property damage.
  4. 7. a sudden shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. It can make buildings and structures sway or collapse.
  5. 8. a swirling column of air that descends from thunderclouds to the ground. It has a funnel shape and can cause significant destruction in its path.
  1. 1. an uncontrolled fire that spreads rapidly through forests and grasslands. It can be ignited by lightning, human activities, or other causes.
  2. 2. a powerful release of lava, gas, and ash from a volcano. It can create lava flows, pyroclastic flows, and ashfall, impacting nearby areas.
  3. 3. a long period of below-average rainfall, leading to water shortages and parched conditions. It can affect agriculture and water supplies.