
  1. 2. Connect areas of similar air pressure
  2. 3. Movement of air
  3. 6. Air mass formed near the Equator that will be warmed
  4. 7. Air mass formed near the Poles that will be cold
  5. 10. Combination of 5 layers of gases surrounding the Earth
  6. 12. Amount of water vapor in the air
  7. 16. Air mass formed over water
  8. 17. Air mass formed over land
  1. 1. A rapidly rotating column of air
  2. 4. On a weather map, this type of front will be represented by blue triangles
  3. 5. An overflow of water on land that is typically dry
  4. 6. Layer of the atmosphere where all weather occurs
  5. 8. On a weather map, this type of front will be represented by red half circles
  6. 9. A lack of precipitation over a long period of time
  7. 11. The condition of the atmosphere for a location over a long period of time
  8. 13. A rotating tropical storm with winds above 75 mph
  9. 14. Transition zone between two air masses
  10. 15. The daily condition of the atmosphere for one place at one time