Weather and Natural Disasters

  1. 2. Is when water inundates a place that is normally dry.
  2. 5. Is a mixture of smoke and fog.
  3. 6. Is the sound made by lightning.
  4. 7. Is the fall of condensed water vapor.
  5. 8. Is any moving air.
  6. 9. Is a mixture of rain and snow.
  7. 12. Occurs when a lot of snow or ice falls down a mountainside.
  8. 14. Is a light wind.
  9. 15. Occurs when rain freezes before it reaches the ground.
  10. 16. Is a rotating column of very high winds.
  1. 1. Is a thick cloud near the ground.
  2. 3. Is a flash of light caused by an electrical discharge during a storm.
  3. 4. Is a large fire that spreads rapidly.
  4. 10. Is when earth or rock falls down a mountain or cliff.
  5. 11. Is a small earthquake.
  6. 13. Is a violent shaking of the ground.
  7. 16. Is a very large ocean wave.