Weather and Seasons

  1. 3. Santa's stuff
  2. 5. After the rain
  3. 8. New growth everywhere
  4. 10. Christmas downunder
  5. 11. es schneit
  6. 12. Beautiful weather
  7. 13. Kite surfing time
  8. 16. No more trocken
  9. 17. Brisbane doesn't really get like that.
  1. 1. Oh, that's nice!
  2. 2. My ice-cream is melting!
  3. 3. Your solar works well
  4. 4. So dark in the daytime?
  5. 6. Winter is one of four
  6. 7. Where is the rain?
  7. 9. Pretty colours in the trees
  8. 14. Unit of measurement
  9. 15. I'm in a cloud.