Weather Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. A weather system that is the boundary separating two different types of air.
  2. 5. The circulation of the wind in a high pressure system moves "".
  3. 7. The front in which a warm air mass is trapped by two cold fronts.
  4. 9. In winter, warm fronts bring this type of precipitation.
  5. 11. What does the "C" stand for in cT ("" Tropical)
  6. 14. The weather instrument in which it indicates which direction the wind is going.
  7. 15. The front in which it is represented by a blue line and triangles.
  8. 17. The pressure system in which it is represented as a red "L" on a weather map.
  9. 19. The color of the line that represents occluded fronts.
  10. 20. A breeze going from the sea to the land.
  1. 1. The weather instrument that measures air pressure.
  2. 2. A breeze going from the land to sea.
  3. 4. The front in which a cold and warm air mass meet, but none of them have any force to push up one another.
  4. 6. The circulation of the air during a low pressure system moves "".
  5. 8. The type of winds that are the main belts of wind in a particular directions across the Earth.
  6. 10. The front which is represented with a red curved line, with red half circles on them.
  7. 12. The weather instrument that indicates/measures temperature.
  8. 13. The pressure system in which it is represented as a blue "H" on the weather map.
  9. 16. What does the "P" stand for in mP (Maritime "")
  10. 18. The type of winds that blow over a limited area.