Weather forecast

  1. 2. When you can't see the sun during the day, it's...
  2. 6. A ... is an extremely strong storm.
  3. 7. A period of extreme warmth is a ... .
  4. 9. Heavy periods of rain we call ... .
  5. 13. In winter you wear a coat to stay ... .
  6. 14. When the sun is there, the weather is ... .
  7. 15. Water starts to ... from 0°C.
  1. 1. ... falls in winter.
  2. 3. It's now 23 ... .
  3. 4. When the sun ..., you can play outside.
  4. 5. When it's cold the ... is low.
  5. 8. Americans call this season fall.
  6. 10. Wjhen it starts to ..., you come inside.
  7. 11. The warmest season in Belkgium is... .
  8. 12. Plants die in summer because it's too ... .