Weather Terms

  1. 1. The description of warm and humid air
  2. 4. The warmest season of the year.
  3. 8. The explosive sound of air expanding
  4. 10. When the sky has no clouds.
  5. 11. The time the sun disappears below the horizon.
  6. 15. precipitation in the form of water drops
  7. 16. A cloud on the ground that reduces visibility
  1. 1. Water droplets so small that they float in air
  2. 2. A large piece of ice that survives a long time
  3. 3. The coldest season of the year.
  4. 4. The time the sun appears above the horizon.
  5. 5. The third planet from the sun and is our home
  6. 6. The amount of water vapor in the air
  7. 7. A light wind
  8. 9. A water substance in the solid phase
  9. 11. The season between winter and summer.
  10. 12. It’s snow/ice on the ground watery mixture
  11. 13. A hurricane in the western Pacific Ocean.
  12. 14. The mixture of gases