
  1. 1. what is the same word as hurricane but starts with a C
  2. 4. what starts with T and spins really fast
  3. 6. rain hail and sleet are types of precipitation there’s one more type what is it
  4. 8. what starts with V and is in a tornado
  5. 11. you have a solid liquid and
  6. 13. cumulus and cumulonimbus are all types of
  7. 14. what is the opposite of evaporation
  8. 16. what kind of wind blows from west to east in North America?
  9. 18. what’s the opposite of hot?
  10. 19. what do you get when theres a high pressure system
  1. 2. what’s the opposite of condensation
  2. 3. what direction does the jet stream blow it blows west but what other direction is there
  3. 5. what do you get when it’s 0 Celsius
  4. 7. there’s anemometer wind sock and
  5. 9. what is the type of weather when it says it’s 24- but it feels like 30- what is that called
  6. 10. what’s the storm called with a loud noise
  7. 12. what’s the opposite of cold?
  8. 15. what is it called that a tornado picks up
  9. 17. what’s the opposite of liquid?