
  1. 2. natural electrical discharge
  2. 5. Someone who studies the weather.
  3. 10. A tropical storm.
  4. 11. When water over flows out of lakes or rivers.
  5. 12. Water droplets falling from the sky.
  6. 13. A strong blow of air.
  7. 15. A thick cloud of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere
  8. 18. Above the troposphere.
  9. 22. A loud crashing or rumbling sound.
  10. 23. How warm or cold it is outside.
  11. 24. Earth’s __________ is made of oxygen and nitrogen.
  12. 25. The amount of moisture in the air.
  13. 26. An instrument measuring atmospheric pressure
  14. 29. The weather conditions at certain time and place.
  1. 1. The study of weather.
  2. 3. No rain can cause a ________.
  3. 4. A cloud that is thin and has a high altitude.
  4. 6. Thunder, Lightning, heavy rain and sometimes hail.
  5. 7. Above the mesosphere.
  6. 8. Frozen Rain.
  7. 9. The layer where weather happens.
  8. 14. Stream fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents
  9. 16. Above the stratosphere
  10. 17. Small white ice crystals that form on the ground.
  11. 19. A funnel of strong rotating winds.
  12. 20. An instrument that measures wind.
  13. 21. The boundary between 2 air masses.
  14. 27. Humidity The actual amount of water vapor in the air.
  15. 28. Winds Winds that cover the whole planet
  16. 30. Pressure The pressure made by the atmosphere.