
  1. 5. Wind speed
  2. 7. Cloud A low level horizontal cloud
  3. 10. Humidity The ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor at a prescribed temperature
  4. 11. Pressure Warm air expanding or rising
  5. 12. two thermometers, one dry and one moist
  6. 14. boundary separating two masses of air of different densities
  7. 15. front pushes under warm air
  8. 16. violently rotating column of air
  9. 17. Front Two air masses merge and force warm air under
  10. 18. temperature at which the water vapor condenses in to liquid at the same rate that it evaporates
  1. 1. An area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction
  2. 2. Front Warm or cold air that stops moving
  3. 3. instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure
  4. 4. cloud A low level cloud
  5. 6. cloud A thin wispy cloud
  6. 8. the amount of water vapor in the air
  7. 9. High atmospheric pressure rotating clockwise and counterclockwise
  8. 13. extremely large, powerful storm with strong winds
  9. 19. The state of the atmosphere at a specific time or place
  10. 20. large, destructive storm