
  1. 3. air masses form over land
  2. 4. the air mass is cut of
  3. 6. the air
  4. 8. Cycle/ powered by the sun
  5. 10. form of water that falls from clouds
  6. 13. molecules escape into the air after becoming water vapor
  7. 14. form in flat layers are known as stratus
  8. 16. Gauge/ open ended tube that collects rain
  9. 17. mass/ a huge body of air
  10. 18. clouds that look like cotton
  11. 20. warm air masses
  1. 1. the measure of the amount vapor in the air
  2. 2. where air masses meet
  3. 3. process when water vapor becomes liquid water
  4. 5. swirling center
  5. 7. Humidity/ percentage of water vapor that is actually
  6. 9. two thermometrs
  7. 10. Cold air masses
  8. 11. high pressure centers of dry air
  9. 12. Air masses form over oceans
  10. 15. Point/temperature when condensation begins
  11. 19. streams/ band of high speed winds
  12. 21. wispy feathery clouds