Web Safety

  1. 2. a form of legal protection against plagiarism
  2. 4. the main part of a computer setup
  3. 5. a box that helps produce a wifi signal
  4. 6. a form of communication through the internet
  5. 7. the homescreen of the computer
  6. 8. another part that controlls the computer
  7. 11. Good hacker
  8. 12. a barrier that can protect you from viruses
  9. 15. the brain of the cumpter
  10. 17. the heart of the computer
  11. 19. the main storage on your computer
  12. 23. harrasing or bullying someone online
  13. 25. Software that protects your computer
  14. 26. a form of email that can lead to a harmful virus
  15. 27. a process that helps clear up your computer to run easier
  1. 1. a display screen for your computer
  2. 3. Stealing personal information
  3. 9. Bad hackers
  4. 10. a form of portable storage device
  5. 13. temporary storage for your computer
  6. 14. a type of cable that provides internet to your computer
  7. 16. a type of software that can be harmful for your computer
  8. 18. taking someone else works and passing it off as your own
  9. 20. the controller of the computer
  10. 21. Sending illegal photos or information
  11. 22. when someone makes purchases or decisions in your name without permission
  12. 24. controlls Software that can be used to protect your children