Webelos Review

  1. 1. One of the three elements needed for a fire, also known as wood.
  2. 3. As an ________, I will do my best...
  3. 5. We Be Loyal _________.
  4. 9. ...to be _________ minded.
  5. 10. Amount that can be spent during a shopping trip.
  6. 12. Happens when blood flow is restricted to the brain.
  7. 13. Twelfth point of Scout Law.
  8. 15. The study of the past.
  9. 17. Invisible ingredient needed for a fire.
  10. 19. PVC pipe for preserving items for a future date.
  1. 1. Fourth point of the Scout Law.
  2. 2. What you need to do before exercising to prevent injury.
  3. 4. This is the job held by our guest speaker who taught first aid.
  4. 6. First point of Scout Law.
  5. 7. Spin around this 5 times to begin the course.
  6. 8. Help that is given first.
  7. 10. Boy Scout motto.
  8. 11. The smallest pieces of wood used to start a fire.
  9. 14. Name of the cemetery for our three mile hike.
  10. 16. Second point of Scout Law.
  11. 18. Third point of Scout Law.