Webroot Newsletter Crossword

  1. 4. (4) Ensnare, Also part of a phrase immortalized by Admiral Ackbar.
  2. 6. (6) Save from danger.
  3. 10. (6) The name of the app where we're doing our 100 day walk/run challenge.
  4. 11. (7) Music that precedes an act in a drama/opera.
  5. 12. (5) This is the national fruit of India
  6. 13. (5,3) A sensory organ on the tongue...honestly didn't realize it's an organ.
  7. 15. (6) Aidan Murray would name a country this
  8. 16. (6) Canvas shoe with a rubber sole, may be useful for our 100 day/walk challenge
  9. 17. (6) A fancy word for describing a type of wooded area. Also a type of elf in the Lord of the Rings.
  10. 19. (2,5) In the normal manner or as we love saying in Webroot " Business ** *****".
  11. 20. (7) The most spoken language in the world
  12. 21. (7) Only small parts of them can be seen above water.... also Titanic's arch enemy.
  1. 1. (4,4) This singer is Elton John's son's Godmother. She also performed at Biden's inauguration.
  2. 2. (6) Expedition to observe animals and a browser.
  3. 3. (8) Chestnut, shetaki and oyster are types of what fungi?
  4. 5. (3,5) Aidan Murray's favourite zoo animal.
  5. 7. (6) Our channel for our voluntary activities, "Green and ****** Back"
  6. 8. (5) Style or decor for clothes for an event ie for a Christmas party.
  7. 9. (4) A Christian penitential period where most people give up sweets and chocolate.
  8. 10. (7) A female singer or a infamous member of a fictional crime family?
  9. 14. (4) Centre around which something rotates. There's normally three of them in 3 Dimensional space
  10. 18. (8) An annoying person or thing.... could also be Gar at times.