Wedding 6.1

  1. 1. The second cats name
  2. 4. Her favorite food
  3. 6. Thier favorite travel snack
  4. 8. Her favorite sports team
  5. 11. Her spirit animal
  6. 13. He was born in
  7. 15. Brother/groomsmen
  8. 16. State bestman is from
  9. 17. How they met
  10. 19. Their dogs name
  11. 20. His highschool mascot
  12. 22. His spirit animal
  13. 23. Last item on her bucket list
  14. 25. Her favorite Band
  15. 28. Sister/bridesmaid
  1. 1. Cake flavor
  2. 2. Her dad
  3. 3. His favorite sport to play
  4. 5. Her mom
  5. 7. His mom is from
  6. 9. His favorite food
  7. 10. Sister/Maid of Honor
  8. 12. Their first cats name
  9. 14. Their favorite together activity
  10. 18. Officiant
  11. 21. His mom
  12. 24. His favorite sports team
  13. 26. His dad
  14. 27. Best Man