Wedding Day Crossoword

  1. 1. The month we started dating
  2. 6. Our favorite spot to get coffee
  3. 9. Luke's favorite basketball team
  4. 11. Our college mascot
  5. 12. Our high school mascot
  6. 14. Payton's favorite hobby
  7. 15. Our favorite vacation spot
  8. 16. Who said I love you first
  1. 2. Our favorite MLS team
  2. 3. The college we graduated from
  3. 4. A sport we BOTH know and love
  4. 5. Our favorite TV show
  5. 7. Our favorite restaurant
  6. 8. Payton's new last name
  7. 10. The first school we attended together
  8. 13. Our favorite painter