Wedding Shower

  1. 3. Bride’s favorite food
  2. 5. Groom’s most prized possession
  3. 7. Theme of the bride’s nursery
  4. 10. Month of their anniversary
  5. 11. Number of years the couple has been together
  6. 12. A Fling made up word meaning “a silly person”
  7. 14. Groom’s favorite movie
  8. 17. Groom’s nickname growing up
  9. 18. Musical instrument the bride played
  1. 1. Groom’s favorite drink
  2. 2. Bride’s nickname growing up
  3. 4. Groom’s 17th birthday present
  4. 6. Sport the bride played in high school
  5. 8. Name of a Stricklin family cat
  6. 9. Groom’s favorite food
  7. 13. Sassy dog
  8. 15. Location of where they met
  9. 16. Sweet, scared dog