Week 1-2

  1. 1. important
  2. 6. not often
  3. 8. requiring effort
  4. 10. often seen' recognizable
  5. 12. sure, positive; inevitable
  6. 13. essential, required
  7. 15. most important
  8. 17. young, immature
  9. 18. something positive or good
  10. 20. reach succeed
  11. 22. promise
  12. 23. certain, positive
  13. 26. exactly
  14. 27. to be against something
  15. 28. greatest possibility
  16. 29. try
  17. 30. lucky
  1. 2. being able to do something; skill
  2. 3. making sense
  3. 4. to suggest
  4. 5. not lasting
  5. 7. result
  6. 9. agreement in actions, ideas
  7. 11. without specifics
  8. 14. refuse to take
  9. 16. settle a question; unmistakable
  10. 19. come out; appear
  11. 21. information or understanding
  12. 24. now, instantly
  13. 25. highly important; of great worth