Week 1 mytholigy project

  1. 1. Who started Zane's adventure.
  2. 4. What school Zane is going to.
  3. 7. A good character trait about Brooks.
  4. 9. What Zane found in the helicopter.
  5. 10. Why Zane gets bullied.
  6. 12. Zane's conflict/enemy.
  7. 13. Why Zane didn't want to go to school.
  8. 14. How Rosie died.
  9. 16. When Zane got sent to the principal's office.
  10. 18. Main Setting
  11. 20. what Zane is.
  1. 2. How Zane got into his private school.
  2. 3. Who Zane is trying to save/get back.
  3. 5. A character trait that Mrs.Cab has when talking to Zane.
  4. 6. Where Zane meets Brooks.
  5. 8. Where Zane is most of the time.
  6. 11. A character trait that Zane has when he's around Brooks.
  7. 15. Who made Zane go to his new school.
  8. 17. Who kills Rosie.
  9. 19. Who will end up having to set Ah-Puch free.