Week 1 Spec. Collection Vocab

  1. 3. Determining the accuracy of an instrument by comparing its output with that of a known standard or another instrument known to be accurate.
  2. 5. A solid, liquid, or semisolid medium designed to support the growth of microorganisms, especially bacteria and fungus.
  3. 11. The study and science that deal with the effects, antidotes, and detection of poisons or drugs.
  4. 13. A process to ensure the reliability of test results, often using manufactured samples with known values.
  5. 15. Fluids with high concentrations of protein and cellular debris that have escaped from the blood vessels and have been deposited in tissues or on tissue surfaces.
  6. 16. Any substance that can be breathed into the lungs.
  7. 17. Free from all living organisms
  8. 19. The study of tissues.
  1. 1. To withdraw fluid using suction.
  2. 2. The substance or chemical being analyzed or detected in a specimen.
  3. 4. A physician specially trained in the nature and cause of disease.
  4. 6. Category of medication or a chemical that prevents clotting of blood.
  5. 7. A blood sample in which the red blood cells have ruptured.
  6. 8. Causing or tending to cause the gradual destruction of a substance by chemical action.
  7. 9. The study of cells using microscopic methods.
  8. 10. Capable of burning, corroding, or damaging tissue by chemical action.
  9. 12. Scientific tests or techniques used regarding the detection of crime.
  10. 14. The growth of only one microorganism in a culture or on a nutrient surface.
  11. 18. A substance for use in a chemical reaction.