Week 13

  1. 3. "This English homework is too hard, I'm very _______!"
  2. 5. you wear these on your hands to keep warm in winter
  3. 8. something you can throw at people in winter
  4. 9. Ooj is a ___________
  5. 10. you put food in this to keep it cold
  6. 11. air that goes in through your mouth and into your lungs
  7. 12. what happens to ice cream under a hot sun
  1. 1. your mother or father's mother and father
  2. 2. "It's winter so it's _______ outside today. Brrrr!"
  3. 4. your aunt or uncle's child
  4. 6. this is where Ooj lives
  5. 7. the month that Joe and Ellie moved into their new house
  6. 10. the dress Ooj wears is _______
  7. 11. a container that can hold water