Week 16

  1. 5. Research participation strategy where participants are not the same and are drawn from different populations in different hierarchy levels.
  2. 6. *Two words- comparable for everyone/everything being measured.
  3. 7. Numeric values that communicate how much of an attribute is present (or whether it is present at all).
  4. 9. is undertaken to enhance the base of knowledge or formulate or refine a theory.
  5. 12. *Two words- seeks solutions to existing problems and tends to be of greater immediate utility for EBP.
  6. 13. *Two words-thoroughly describes phenomenon.
  7. 16. *Two words-theory driven representations of phenomena and their interrelationships.
  8. 17. *Two words- Process of appraising the evidence in terms of relevance in clinical situations.
  9. 19. The most secure means of protecting confidentiality.
  10. 20. *Two words- The believability and accuracy of inductively and deductively derived conclusions.
  11. 21. *Two words- uses responses from early questions to guide selection of subsequent questions… think NCLEX! Theory
  12. 24. abstract characterization of phenomena.
  13. 26. The dictatorship of the research question.
  14. 27. Set of rules to gauge a construct.
  15. 28. *Two words- When nursing uses Non-nursing models.
  1. 1. The degree to which two independent researchers can arrive at similar scores or make similar observations regarding concepts of interest.
  2. 2. Research Participation Strategy where participants are either in one strand or the other.
  3. 3. *Two words- Has an error component and a true component.
  4. 4. *Three words- Assesses what the results are and whether they are clinically important.
  5. 8. Research participation strategy where the participants are in both strands.
  6. 10. *Two words- When researchers replicate a study in order to see if findings in one study can be duplicated in another.
  7. 11. *Two words- attempt to describe large segments of the human experience.
  8. 14. Theories and methods of psychological measurement.
  9. 15. *Three words- basic entity of the analysis.
  10. 18. *Two words- Used to rule out the possibility that intervention effects are caused by the special attention given to those receiving the intervention rather than by the actual treatment content.
  11. 22. *Two words- hypothetical score. Can never actually be known due to measurements being infallible.
  12. 23. conceptual underpinning of a study.
  13. 25. Research participation strategy where some participants form one strand are in the other strand.